"Friendship, Solidarity and Laughter". That's where it all begins. A few bunch of guys doing what they does best and have some similar hobby. Basically we like everything customize specially when it comes with wheels; bicycle, motorcycle, cars, u name it, no matter what year it is just bring it. And of course we modified them, u think? Cause that's where the fun and interesting part begins! Located at our so called famous friend "AMING's", we burn our ideas 'n concept into another dimension. It's Fun, Full of ideas & Full of laughter.
We're located at Jl. Raya IKPN no 4 Tanah Kusir, Bintaro. Indonesia. Nearby STP Trisakti University.
Come to our workshop, see our projects, grab a drink and make yourself comfortable.
Enjoy the real Happy Cruisin' feeling. Cheers!
Some of the projects that are shown in this blog are PRIVATE Display Collection and for private use only, not for exhibition. And we're not gonna reproduce & make any profit from it either. We're just a few, among many fans that adore some of designers work. But, because of the long distance shipping and high tax, we end up to make it a 'look-alike' project. As a designer we respect and want to make a tribute to the real inventors by displaying our 'look-alike' project in our work station. Thx
Aming (0813 164 95 722)
Raymond (0856 894 0079)
Senin, Juni 28, 2010
Hi Folks!! Just to make it interesting, and so we can be more up close and personal, please type us n your facebook search engine and add us as your friend.
Few parts are coming up for your lowrides, Basman nor Fixie. But don't forget to call our beloved friend 'Aming', and make an arrangement 'bout the parts!