Minggu, November 30, 2008


Berikut ini adalah penjelasan pembagian kelas, yang mana setiap kelas-nya tersedia 4 (empat) buah tropi/piala/hadiah, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi contact person : 

  • ukuran ban/frame bebas;
    frame pabrikan type muscle lowrider (rainbow, kodok, cw);
    cat orisinil dan kondisi/bentuk/spek sesuai aslinya dari pabrik.

  • A. ukuran ban mulai dari 20" kebawah;
    frame pabrikan type muscle lowrider (rainbow, kodok, cw);
    kondisi dibangun/dibuat sama mirip aslinya.
  • B. ukuran ban diatas 20";
  • frame pabrikan type muscle lowrider (rainbow, kodok, cw);
    kondisi dibangun/dibuat sama mirip aslinya.

  • A. ukuran ban mulai dari 20" kebawah;
    frame pabrikan type muscle lowrider (rainbow, kodok, cw);
    modifikasi/tambahan/rubahan bebas.
  • B. ukuran ban diatas 20";
    frame pabrikan type muscle lowrider (rainbow, kodok, cw);
    modifikasi/tambahan/rubahan bebas.

*. CUSTOM : bentuk dan ukuran ban/frame bebas;

bounce info tambahan: diatas mall cbd serpong itu ada apartemen yg disewakan untuk peserta dr daerah yg perlu nginep, harga 600rb 1 ruang tamu 2 km.tidur, tapi boleh di isi 10-12 org.

Jumat, November 21, 2008

IKPN-Custombike at "KL", Malaysia!

"What we do in Life, Echos in Eternity" (The Gladiator). That's what Russell Crowe said before they went to a battle in Germania. So based on that line, with less money on our pocket we went to Malaysia instead. Just want to kick back and have lots of Fun!! hehe! And of course take a few shot with few of our friends and their bike for our friends back in Jakarta, Indonesia. (Kidding). 
Please don't hesitate to scroll down!
FYI: A picture speak a thousand words"YES" it's a gas station just nearby from our place, do u think we went to Malaysia for real?? Com'mon! Hehe!
Enjoy, Cheers!!



Kamis, November 20, 2008

IKPN-custombike: Customize Project

Our latest project is making the frame and parts for IKPN Bikes.

And now here at IKPN Chapter Custombike, we made it customize for our riders. So they can explore the ideas for their bike. And make it one of a kind. With help from some of our friends workshop, we made our project into another dimension of bike bulding. It's Fun, Full of laugh, Hard work, and Inspirational. You can see some of our project at this blog ASAP.

Enjoy the real Happy Cruisin' feeling.
